文献考察:尿漏(urinary extravasation).尿瘤(尿嚢腫:urinoma)
1)Radiol Clin North Am. 2007 May;45(3):581-92. Renal trauma.
Lee YJ, Oh SN, Rha SE, Byun JY.
Urinary tract injury occurs in 10% of all abdominal trauma patients, and the kidney is the most commonly injured organ in the urinary tract. CT with contrast enhancement is the modality of choice for cross-sectional imaging of renal trauma because it quickly and accurately can demonstrate injury to the renal parenchyma, renal pedicles, and associated abdominal or retroperitoneal organs. This article reviews the mechanism, clinical features, imaging modalities, and CT imaging findings according to the classification of the renal trauma. Trauma to underlying abnormal kidneys, iatrogenic renal injuries, and complications of renal trauma are reviewed also.PMID: 17601510
2)Urol Clin North Am. 2006 Feb;33(1):41-53 Complications of renal trauma.
Al-Qudah HS, Santucci RA.
Renal trauma is rare, and significant complications from renal trauma are generally rarer still occurring in less than 5% in modern series. Close follow-up of injured patients and scrupulous use of imaging, including computed tomography scan, arteriogram, or retro-grade pyelogram when appropriate, increase detection rates and establish the diagnosis in most patients. Treatment varies by etiology and may range from watchful waiting to percutaneous drainage to, in rare cases, nephrectomy.PMID: 16488279
要旨:尿漏は最も多い腎損傷合併症である.grade IV(日本分類 IIIb,IIIc)の全例に認められるが,多くの場合自然に吸収され,特別な処置は要しない.尿瘤(尿嚢腫,urinoma:溢流した尿が嚢胞状に集積したもの)は腎損傷の1〜7%に発生する.造影剤注入後3〜20分で撮影するCT晩期相が診断に有用である.Gerota筋膜内に貯留することが多いが,大量の尿溢流は中央線を越えて,対側の後腹膜まで広がることもある.腸腰筋に沿って下降し骨盤から陰嚢まで及ぶこともある.巨大なもの,感染したもので大きさが3cm以上,離断された腎の間に存在するものはドレナージと尿管のステント留置が必要である.