Radiographics. 2001 May-Jun;21(3):557-74. Imaging of renal trauma: a comprehensive review.
Kawashima A, Sandler CM, Corl FM, West OC, Tamm EP, Fishman EK, Goldman SM.
Computed tomography (CT) is the modality of choice in the evaluation of blunt renal injury. Intravenous urography is used primarily for gross assessment of renal function in hemodynamically unstable patients. Selective renal arteriography or venography can provide detailed information regarding vascular injury. Retrograde pyelography is valuable in assessing ureteral and renal pelvic integrity in suspected ureteropelvic junction injury. Ultrasonography is useful in detecting hemoperitoneum in patients with suspected intraperitoneal injury but has limited value in evaluating those with suspected extraperitoneal injury. Occasionally, radionuclide renal scintigraphy or magnetic resonance imaging may prove helpful. Renal injuries can be classified into four large categories based on imaging findings. Category I renal injuries include minor cortical contusion, subcapsular hematoma, minor laceration with limited perinephric hematoma, and small cortical infarct. Category II lesions include major renal lacerations extending to the medulla with or without involvement of the collecting system and segmental renal infarct. Category III lesions are catastrophic renal injuries and include multiple renal lacerations and vascular injury involving the renal pedicle. Category IV injuries are ureteropelvic junction injuries. CT is particularly useful in evaluating traumatic injuries to kidneys with preexisting abnormalities and can help assess the extent of penetrating injuries in selected patients with limited posterior stab wounds. Integration of the imaging findings in renal injury with clinical information is critical in developing a treatment plan.PMID: 11353106(full text) 要旨:Category Iとは,腎打撲,被膜下血腫,少量の血腫を伴う皮質裂創,小さい部分梗塞.腎損傷の75-85%を占め,保存的治療が可能である.Category II とは,髄質からcollecting system(集合管)まで及ぶ裂創(尿漏を伴う場合と伴わない場合がある),分節的な梗塞.全腎損傷の10%.大部分は保存的治療の適応であるが,Hbが低下し腫大を続ける血腫は手術またはTAEが適応となる.腫大を続ける尿漏も外科治療を要することがある.Category III とは,粉砕型の腎損傷,腎茎部血管損傷.頻度は5%.粉砕型の損傷は腎の壊死,大量出血を伴うことが多い.茎部血管損傷の中で腎動脈閉塞例は特殊な外傷である.腎血管が急な減速で引っ張られると,外膜と中膜ほど伸展性のない内膜に裂け目が生じ,血流により内膜解離が末梢側へ進展し,または血栓形成して閉塞を起こす.周囲に血腫を認めないことが特徴.12時間以内に血管再建を行えば腎臓を温存できる場合もあるが,成功例は14%とむしろまれである.茎部動静脈断裂は即刻手術の適応である.Category IVは,腎盂尿管移行部損傷で頻度はまれ.完全断裂と不完全断裂に分類される.前者は外科的修復を要し,後者はステント留置による治療が成功することもある.