外傷(Trauma)シリーズ17 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 TE 83】

右恥骨・坐骨骨折(活動性出血).Fracture of right pubic and ischial bone with active bleeding

図1で恥骨と坐骨骨折(白矢印)を,CTでは膀胱周囲に血腫を認める.図10〜図12の▲は図13の骨折部位の骨と重なるから骨片であるが,骨折部位から離れている図7と図8の△はextravasationと解釈すべきである.図17〜図20の↑がextravasationか骨片かの鑑別は困難で,その解決には,1)double phase造影CT,2)単純CTとの比較,3)骨用CTで血管と骨を鑑別する,の順に有用である.最下段の,2時間後のCT(図22〜図25 )で膀胱周囲の血腫(※)が増加しており,活動性の出血が続いていることが確認された.血管造影を予定したが,輸血以外の治療や血管造影を拒否され,4日後に死亡した.

文献考察:preventable trauma death(防ぎえた外傷死亡)
7)6.8%(possibly preventable 4.2%,definitely preventable 2.6%).
J Trauma. 2003 Jan;54(1):66-70; discussion 70-1.
Seven hundred fifty-three consecutive deaths in a level I trauma center: the argument for injury prevention.
Stewart RM, Myers JG, Dent DL, Ermis P, Gray GA, Villarreal R, Blow O, Woods B, McFarland M, Garavaglia J, Root HD, Pruitt BA Jr.

BACKGROUND: The past century has seen improvement in trauma care, with a resulting decrease in therapeutically preventable deaths. We hypothesize that further major reduction in injury mortality will be obtained through injury prevention, rather than improvements in therapy. METHODS: Seven hundred fifty-three deaths in an American College of Surgeons-verified, Level I trauma center were reviewed as they occurred. Deaths were classified as therapeutically not preventable, possibly preventable, or preventable. These charts were also reviewed for factors that might have prevented or lessened the severity of the injury. RESULTS: Mean age was 43, mean Glasgow Coma Scale score was 5, mean Revised Trauma Score was 4, mean Injury Severity Score was 41, and mean probability of survival was 0.25 (according to TRISS). Forty-six percent underwent cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the field, 52% died within 12 hours, 74% died within 48 hours, and 86% died within 7 days. Primary causes of death included central nervous system injury in 51%, irreversible shock in 21%, multiple injuries (shock plus central nervous system injury) in 9%, multiple organ failure/sepsis and other causes in 3%, and pulmonary embolus in 0.1%. Seven hundred one (93%) were classified as not preventable with a change in therapy, 32 (4.2%) were classified as potentially preventable with a change in therapy, and 20 were classified as preventable with a change in therapy (2.6%). Forty-six percent had cardiopulmonary resuscitation performed before or immediately on arrival to the hospital. Another 23% had vital signs present on arrival, but had a Glasgow Coma Scale score of
  【参照症例】   1. 外傷(Trauma)シリーズ10 【症例 TR 49】

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