外傷(Trauma)シリーズ16 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 TE 78】

胸部刺創・横隔膜損傷・肝刺創(出血).Stab wound of chest,diaphragm and liver with active bleeding


文献考察:手術適応のない胸腹部刺創(thoracoabdomimal stab wound:上は乳頭部,下は臍,側方は後腋窩線の範囲)で,胸腔鏡下に検索すると7%に横隔膜損傷を認める
J Trauma. 2003 Oct;55(4):646-50.
Occult diaphragmatic injuries caused by stab wounds.
Leppäniemi A, Haapiainen R.

BACKGROUND: Missed diaphragmatic perforation caused by penetrating trauma can lead to subsequent strangulation of a hollow viscus, which has prompted the use of invasive diagnostic procedures to exclude occult diaphragmatic injuries in asymptomatic, high-risk patients. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of occult diaphragmatic injuries caused by stab wounds of the lower chest and upper abdomen, and to examine the natural history and consequences of missed diaphragmatic injuries. METHODS: On the basis of patient data from two previous randomized studies from our institution, a retrospective analysis was performed on 97 patients treated for anterior stab wounds located between the nipple line, the umbilical level, and the posterior axillary lines not having indications for immediate surgical exploration. The patients were divided into two groups on the basis of their initial randomized management (open or laparoscopic exploration vs. expectant observation). RESULTS: In the exploration group (n = 47), four diaphragmatic injuries (9%) were detected (three left-sided and one right-sided). Excluding patients with associated injuries requiring surgical repair, the incidence of occult diaphragmatic injuries was 3 of 43 (7%). In the observation group (n = 50), there were two patients (4%) with delayed presentation of missed left-sided diaphragmatic injury 2 and 23 months later, respectively. Both injuries resulted from stab wounds of the left flank and presented with herniation of the stomach or small bowel and colon. The overall incidence of occult diaphragmatic injuries in left-sided thoracoabdominal stab wounds was 4 of 24 (17%), and was much lower after stab wounds of left epigastrium (0%), right lower chest (0%), and right epigastrium (4%). CONCLUSION: In asymptomatic patients with anterior or flank stab wounds of the lower chest or upper abdominal area, the risk of an occult diaphragmatic injury is approximately 7% which, if undetected, is associated with a high risk of subsequent hollow viscus herniation. Exclusion of an occult diaphragmatic injury with invasive diagnostic methods, such as laparoscopy or thoracoscopy, should be considered at least in left-sided stab wounds of the lower chest.PMID: 14566117
  【参照症例】   1. 外傷(Trauma)シリーズ7 【症例 TE 32】

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