外傷(Trauma)シリーズ14 EXPERT COURSE 解答 【症例 TE 70】

空腸穿孔 IIb(O).Perforation of jejunum(grade III)


J Trauma. 2000 Mar;48(3):408-14; discussion 414-5.
Relatively short diagnostic delays (.
Fakhry SM, Brownstein M, Watts DD, Baker CC, Oller D.

OBJECTIVE: Blunt small bowel injury (SBI) is uncommon, and its timely diagnosis may be difficult. The impact of operative delays on morbidity and mortality has been unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of diagnostic delays to morbidity and mortality in blunt SBI. METHODS: Patients with blunt SBI with perforation were identified from the registries of eight trauma centers (1989-1997). Patients with duodenal injuries were excluded. Data were extracted by individual chart review. Patients were classified as multi-trauma (group 1) or near-isolated SBI (group 2 with Abbreviated Injury Scale score

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