外傷(Trauma)シリーズ12 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 TR 56】

腸間膜損傷・出血.Mesenteric injury with active bleeding

早期相(Early phase)の△と晩期相(Delayed phase)の▲は周囲に血腫を伴いextravasation(造影剤の血管外漏出)を示し,動脈性の活動性出血を意味し手術の適応である.Double phase造影CTでは晩期相で多くの部位で漏出した造影剤の増量・拡散を示すのでextravasationの診断が容易である.ヘリカル以降のCTは撮影時間が短縮されているので,5mmスライスの1スライスおきで10スライス以上でextravasationを認めれば,かなり高速の大量出血と解釈すべきである.1時間後に手術となったが,盲腸から30cmの部位で腸間膜裂創を認め出血していた.出血量は2100ml.

1)J Trauma. 2000 Jun;48(6):991-8; discussion 998-1000.
Blunt bowel and mesenteric injuries: the role of screening computed tomography.
Malhotra AK, Fabian TC, Katsis SB, Gavant ML, Croce MA.

BACKGROUND: Early generation scanners have demonstrated poor sensitivity detecting blunt bowel/mesenteric injuries (BBMI). This study was aimed at determining the accuracy and role of helical scanners in BBMI. METHODS: Retrospective chart review of patients with BBMI, or computed tomographic scans suspicious of BBMI, from August of 1995 to December of 1998. RESULTS: One hundred of 8,112 scans (1.2%) were suspicious of BBMI. Of these suspicious scans, 53 patients had BBMI (true positive-TP) and 47 patients did not (false positive-FP). Seven patients with negative scans had BBMI (false negative-FN). Computed tomography contributed toward early surgery in 77% of patients who may have been delayed. Six patients developed intra-abdominal abscess. The abscess group had a significantly longer time interval from injury to surgery. Multiple findings were seen in 57% of true positive scans, whereas in 13% of false positive scans (p
2)Radiographics. 2006 Jul-Aug;26(4):1119-31.
Evaluation of bowel and mesenteric blunt trauma with multidetector CT.
Brofman N, Atri M, Hanson JM, Grinblat L, Chughtai T, Brenneman F.

Bowel and mesenteric injuries are detected in 5% of blunt abdominal trauma patients at laparotomy. Computed tomography (CT) has been shown to be accurate for the diagnosis of bowel and mesenteric injuries and is the diagnostic test of choice in the evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma in hemodynamically stable patients. Specific CT findings of bowel and mesenteric injuries include bowel wall defect, intraperitoneal and mesenteric air, intraperitoneal extraluminal contrast material, extravasation of contrast material from mesenteric vessels, and evidence of bowel infarct. Specific signs of mesenteric injury are vascular beading and abrupt termination of mesenteric vessels. Less specific signs of bowel and mesenteric injuries include focal bowel wall thickening, mesenteric fat stranding with focal fluid and hematoma, and intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal fluid. When only nonspecific signs of bowel and mesenteric injuries are seen on CT images, correlation of CT features with clinical findings is necessary. A repeat CT examination after 6-8 hours if the patient's condition is stable may help determine the significance of these nonspecific findings. PMID: 16844935 (full text)

3)Eur J Radiol. 2004 Apr;50(1):67-73.
Blunt trauma to the gastrointestinal tract and mesentery: is there a role for helical CT in the decision-making process?
Scaglione M, de Lutio di Castelguidone E, Scialpi M, Merola S, Diettrich AI, Lombardo P, Romano L, Grassi R.

The CT diagnosis of bowel and mesenteric injuries is difficult and warrants optimal technique and skilled interpretation. We retrospectively reviewed 36 consecutive patients with blunt traumatic injuries to the bowel and mesentery at our regional level I trauma center during the past 3 years. Physical examination, laboratory, Computed tomographic (CT), and intraoperative findings were compared. Surgically proven bowel injuries (13 cases) occurred in the duodenum (three cases), ileum (two cases), jejunum (two cases), colon (three cases), and stomach (three cases). CT findings considered specific of bowel rupture were observed in 5/13 patients including: extraluminal oral contrast or luminal content extravasation (four cases) and discontinuity of hollow viscus wall (one case). In the remaining 8/13 CT findings considered suggestive of bowel injury consisted of: pneumoperitoneum (six), gas bubbles close to the injured hollow viscus (three), thickened (>4-5mm) bowel wall (five), bowel wall hematoma (three), intraperitoneal fluid of unknown source (three). Mesenteric injury (23 cases) were surgically observed at the level of the mesenteric vessels (17 cases), legament of Treitz (two cases), gastro-duodenal artery (one case), transverse (one case) and sigmoid mesocolon (one case). CT finding considered specific of mesenteric laceration was active extravasation of contrast material from the mesenteric vessels (10 cases). CT findings suggestive of mesenteric injury (13 cases) consisted of: mesenteric hematoma (five) and/or high attenuation fluid collections, within the mesenteric root (eight) and folds (four). Helical CT is sensitive in the identification of bowel and mesenteric injury after blunt trauma providing a wide spectrum of findings. However, CT cannot be used as the sole indicator in cases with isolated thichened bowel wall, mesenteric hematoma, bowel hematoma, pneumoperitoneum or gas bubbles. Persistent, active extravasation of intravenous constrast medium from the mesenteric vessels, in isolation or associated with further injuries, requires immediate exploration and repair; disruption of bowel wall and extravasation of oral contrast are definite signs of bowel rupture. Close clinical observation, monitoring, and surgical expertise are mandatory for appropriate management.PMID: 15093237

4)J Trauma. 2001 Jul;51(1):26-36.
Helical computed tomography of bowel and mesenteric injuries
.Killeen KL, Shanmuganathan K, Poletti PA, Cooper C, Mirvis SE.

BACKGROUND: The role of computed tomography in diagnosing hollow viscus injury after blunt abdominal trauma remains controversial, with previous studies reporting both high accuracy and poor results. This study was performed to determine the diagnostic accuracy of helical computed tomography in detecting bowel and mesenteric injuries after blunt abdominal trauma in a large cohort of patients. METHODS: One hundred fifty patients were admitted to our Level I trauma center over a 4-year period with computed tomographic (CT) scan or surgical diagnosis of bowel or mesenteric injury. CT scan findings were retrospectively graded as negative, nonsurgical, or surgical bowel or mesenteric injury. The CT scan diagnosis was then compared with surgical findings, which were also graded as negative, nonsurgical, or surgical. RESULTS: Computed tomography had an overall sensitivity of 94% in detecting bowel injury and 96% in detecting mesenteric injury. Surgical bowel cases were correctly differentiated in 64 of 74 cases (86%), and surgical mesenteric cases were correctly differentiated from nonsurgical in 57 of 76 cases (75%). CONCLUSION: Helical CT scanning is very accurate in detecting bowel and mesenteric injuries, as well as in determining the need for surgical exploration in bowel injuries. However, it is less accurate in predicting the need for surgical exploration in mesenteric injuries alone.PMID: 11468463

1:腸管壁の断裂像(bowel discontinuity),特異度(specificity)は高いが陽性率
2:遊離ガス(extraluminal air,pneumoperitoneum),陽性率は意外と低く50%前後.特異度は
3:経口的に投与した造影剤の腸管外漏出(extraluminal oral contrast material),特異度は最も

5:腸管壁肥厚(bowel wall thickening).直接打撲,腸間膜損傷による虚血または静脈還流障害
7:液貯留・腹水(unexplained free fluid:実質臓器損傷を認めないが液貯留・腹水がある).
  【参照症例】   1. 外傷(Trauma)シリーズ6 【症例 TR 27】

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