文献考察:腎膿瘍(renal abscess,腎カルブンケル:renal carbuncle)
1)【腎尿路感染症の全て 最近の動向】 腎膿瘍, 腎周囲膿瘍(解説/特集)
Author:諸角誠人(琉球大学 医学部 泌尿器科), 小川由英
Source:腎と透析(0385-2156)55巻1号 Page73-76(2003.07)
2)【感染症症候群(III)】 専門領域別感染症 泌尿器科領域感染症 腎膿瘍, 腎周囲膿瘍(解説/特集)
Author:速見浩士(鹿児島大学 医 泌尿器科), 後藤俊弘, 川原元司, 大井好忠
Source:日本臨床(0047-1852)別冊感染症症候群III Page234-236(1999.03)
3)Schaeffer AJ. Renal Abscess.in ”Infections of the Urinary Tract”.
Campbell-Walsh Urology,8th Ed, WB Saunders,Philadelphia.558-559,2002.
3文献のまとめ.腎膿瘍は腎被膜を超えず,腎実質内に限局して膿が貯留する感染性疾患である.感染経路は皮膚や口腔などの感染病巣からの血行性感染と尿路感染症による逆行性感染がある.基礎疾患として尿路結石,膀胱尿管逆流,妊娠,神経因性膀胱や糖尿病に伴う尿路感染症が多い.CT所見:初期には腎は腫大し,膿瘍は限局した円形の不整な低吸収域を示す.数日経って慢性期になると厚い線維性壁が膿瘍周囲に形成され,周囲組織との境界の消失,腎被膜の肥厚,低吸収の卵円形腫瘤を示す.多くの場合腎癌などの腫瘍性病変との鑑別は困難で,血管造影,炎症反応や抗生物質投与に対する反応などで総合的に判断するが,needle biopsyが必要なこともある.ドレナージが基本的治療法であるが,3cm以下の膿瘍は抗生物質投与だけで治癒することも多い.5cm以上のはドレナージすべきである.3〜5cmは抗生物質投与に抵抗性のものと免疫不全があればドレナージを施行する.血行性感染であれば起因菌はMRSAが多い.
4)88例中,腎膿瘍培養で多い菌はE.coli.:41%,Klebsiella pneumoniae:25%,Proteus mirabilis:13%,Pseudomonas aeruginosa:10%,Staphylococcus aureus:3%であった.
Am J Emerg Med. 1999 Mar;17(2):192-7. Links Renal abscess: early diagnosis and treatment.
Yen DH, Hu SC, Tsai J, Kao WF, Chern CH, Wang LM, Lee CH.
The purpose of this study was to identify initial clinical characteristics that can lead to early diagnosis of renal abscess in the emergency department and predict poor prognosis. A retrospective review of 88 renal abscess patients, from April 1979 through January 1996, was conducted. Patients were categorized into two groups. In group 1, renal abscess was diagnosed by an emergency physician, whereas in group 2 renal abscess was not diagnosed by an emergency physician. Clinical characteristics included demographic data, predisposing medical problems, duration of illness before diagnosis, time spent in hospital diagnosis, initial signs and symptoms, laboratory tests, and radiology studies that may have been useful in the early diagnostic regimes. Clinical factors were also analyzed for their value in predicting poor prognosis. The mean age of 88 patients with renal abscess was 59.8 years. The most common predisposing disorder was diabetes mellitus, followed by renal calculi and ureteral obstruction. The duration of diagnosis by emergency physicians was shorter for group 1 patients (1.2 +/- .4 v group 2, 2.8 +/- 2.9 days; P