その他(Miscellaneous)シリーズ15 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 MR 74】

偽膜性腸炎.Pseudomembranous colitis

図16の1の上行結腸から,図5:14の横行結腸起始部,図2:35の下行結腸起始部,さらに人工肛門(図16:白矢印)近辺まで粘膜下浮腫による,著明な壁肥厚を示し,典型的な偽膜性腸炎のCT像である.横行結腸図6の29と図7の28はアコーデオンの蛇腹に類似しaccordion signと呼ばれるが偽膜性腸炎特有のものではない(下記文献).CD checkが陽性を示したので上記診断となり,vancomycin投与で治癒した.

文献考察1):accordion sign
Radiology. 1999 Jun;211(3):743-6.
The accordion sign at CT: a nonspecific finding in patients with colonic edema.
Macari M, Balthazar EJ, Megibow AJ.

PURPOSE: To determine whether the "accordion sign" is a specific computed tomographic (CT) sign of Clostridium difficile colitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-seven patients with CT evidence of severe colitis, as judged by colonic wall thickening, an abnormal haustral pattern, the target sign, and stranding of the pericolic fat, were identified from a computerized CT database for 25 months. CT images were retrospectively evaluated for the presence of oral contrast material in the colon and for the accordion sign. The medical and laboratory records of all patients were reviewed and correlated with CT findings to establish the cause of colitis. RESULTS: Oral contrast material had reached the colon in 35 of 57 patients at the time of the CT examination. The images in 15 of these patients demonstrated the accordion sign, and those in 20 patients did not. C difficile colitis was documented in four of the 15 cases displaying the accordion sign. In the remaining 11 patients, a different cause was documented. Oral contrast material had not reached the colon in the remaining 22 patients. Within this group with findings similar to the accordion sign, five patients had documented C difficile colitis, and four had colitis from other causes. CONCLUSION: The accordion sign is indicative of severe colonic edema or inflammation, but it is not specific for C difficile colitis. PMID: 10352600(full text)

文献考察2):Pseudomembranous colitis
Radiographics. 1999 Jul-Aug;19(4):887-97.
Pseudomembranous colitis: spectrum of imaging findings with clinical and pathologic correlation.
Kawamoto S, Horton KM, Fishman EK.

Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) is a potentially life-threatening acute infectious colitis caused by one or more toxins produced by an unopposed proliferation of Clostridium difficile bacteria. PMC is characterized by the presence of elevated, yellow-white plaques forming pseudomembranes on the colonic mucosa. These plaques can be visualized at both pathologic analysis and endoscopy. Plain radiography, contrast enema studies, and computed tomography (CT) are useful in the evaluation of PMC. Plain radiography of the abdomen can demonstrate polypoid mucosal thickening, "thumbprinting" (wide transverse bands associated with haustral fold thickening), or gaseous distention of the colon. A toxic megacolon with distention and occasionally pneumoperitoneum may be seen in the most severe cases of PMC involving perforation. At contrast enema studies, the primary finding in mild cases of PMC is small nodular filling defects representing the mucosal plaques. With more extensive colonic involvement, the plaques are larger and coalesce to form an irregular bowel wall margin. Mural thickening and wide haustral folds caused by intramural edema may also be seen. A contrast enema study is contraindicated in patients with severe PMC due to the danger of perforation. Common CT findings include wall thickening, low-attenuation mural thickening corresponding to mucosal and submucosal edema, the "accordion sign," the "target sign" ("double halo sign"), pericolonic stranding, and ascites. Familiarity with these imaging characteristics may allow early diagnosis and treatment and prevent progression to more serious pathologic conditions.PMID: 10464797(full text)
  【参照症例】   1. 腹部全体痛シリーズ(Generalized Abdominal Pain)12 【症例 GR 59】
2. その他(Miscellaneous)シリーズ9 【症例 ME 41】

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