その他(Miscellaneous)シリーズ14 RESIDENT COURSE 解答 【症例 MR 70】

小腸壊死(NOMI).Small bowel necrosis due to Non-Occlusive Mesenteric Ischemia

図1の△は門脈内ガスである(胆道内ガスは胆汁の流れに逆らって上昇したガスだから肝辺縁から2cm以内の末梢まで到達しないで,肝門部周辺に位置する.他方門脈内ガスは門脈の流れに乗って上昇するので辺縁から2cm以内の肝末梢まで到達する).門脈内ガスの60%前後は腸管壊死によるもので,壁内気腫が同時に認められれば90%以上の確率で腸管壊死によるものと言われるので,腸管の壁内気腫を検索する.図5〜図20の↑は小腸の壁内気腫を示しており,大量の小腸壊死の可能性が極めて高い.手術で,1箇所で索状物による閉塞と,もう1箇所では狭窄を示す単純閉塞であった.約100cmの小腸に黒色の粘膜壊死が透過視されたが,筋層はviableと判断し切除は行わなかった.SMAの閉塞所見はなかった.術後血圧が低下しDICを合併し,2日目に死亡した.腸管壊死の原因だが,図5でIVCが扁平となり著明な脱水状態を示しており,強い脱水によるNOMI(Non-Occlusive Mesenteric Ischemia:非閉塞性腸間膜虚血症)の可能性がある.少なくとも強い脱水が壊死を助長したものと考える.心原性ショックや出血性ショックで生命保持に重要な心臓と脳への血流を増やすために,皮下と筋肉,腎動脈および腹部臓器の血管がspasmを起こし,循環血液量を30%も増加させるが,それらの臓器は循環血液量が減少した以上に血流量が低下すると言われる(下記文献).だから,強い脱水によるNOMIは決してまれではないと筆者は感じている.

1)Shock. 2000;13(4):267-73.
Mesenteric vasoconstriction in response to hemorrhagic shock.
Toung T, Reilly PM, Fuh KC, Ferris R, Bulkley GB.

Previous studies indicate that cardiogenic shock (tamponade) in swine produces selective mesenteric ischemia due to disproportionate mesenteric vasospasm mediated primarily by the renin-angiotensin axis. Here, we characterized the systemic and mesenteric hemodynamic responses to hypovolemic shock to better understand the neurohumoral mechanisms controlling this response. Varying degrees of hypovolemic shock were produced by graded levels of hemorrhage, from 12.5 to 50% of the calculated blood volume. Systemic and mesenteric pressures and blood flows were measured, and corresponding vascular resistances were calculated. The hemodynamic responses of the mesenteric vascular bed were compared with those of the systemic (nonmesenteric) vasculature. These experiments were then repeated after confirmed blockade either of the alpha-adrenergic nervous system (phenoxybenzamine), of vasopressin (Manning compound), or of the renin-angiotensin axis (enalapril). Graded levels of hemorrhage produced corresponding graded, reproducible, steady-state levels of systemic hypotension, hypoperfusion, and peripheral vasoconstriction, i.e., hemorrhagic shock. This was associated with disproportionate degrees of mesenteric ischemia due to disproportionate mesenteric vasoconstriction. The selective component of this mesenteric vasoconstrictive response was not attenuated by a-adrenergic blockade nor by vasopressin blockade but was blocked by ablation of the renin-angiotensin axis with enalapril. Like cardiogenic shock, hemorrhagic shock generates selective mesenteric ischemia by producing a disproportionate mesenteric vasospasm that is mediated primarily by the renin-angiotensin axis.PMID: 10774614

2)Shock. 2001 May;15(5):329-43.
The mesenteric hemodynamic response to circulatory shock: an overview.
Reilly PM, Wilkins KB, Fuh KC, Haglund U, Bulkley GB.

The mesenteric hemodynamic response to circulatory shock is characteristic and profound; this vasoconstrictive response disproportionately affects both the mesenteric organs and the organism as a whole. Vasoconstriction of post-capillary mesenteric venules and veins, mediated largely by the alpha-adrenergic receptors of the sympathetic nervous system, can effect an "autotransfusion" of up to 30% of the total circulating blood volume, supporting cardiac filling pressures ("preload"), and thereby sustaining cardiac output at virtually no cost in nutrient flow to the mesenteric organs. Under conditions of decreased cardiac output caused by cardiogenic or hypovolemic shock, selective vasoconstriction of the afferent mesenteric arterioles serves to sustain total systemic vascular resistance ("afterload"), thereby maintaining systemic arterial pressure and sustaining the perfusion of non-mesenteric organs at the expense of mesenteric organ perfusion (Cannon's "flight or fight" response). This markedly disproportionate response of the mesenteric resistance vessels is largely independent of the sympathetic nervous system and variably related to vasopressin, but mediated primarily by the renin-angiotensin axis. The extreme of this response can lead to gastric stress erosions, nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia, ischemic colitis, ischemic hepatitis, ischemic cholecystitis, and/or ischemic pancreatitis. Septic shock can produce decreased or increased mesenteric perfusion, but is characterized by an increased oxygen consumption that exceeds the capacity of mesenteric oxygen delivery, resulting in net ischemia and consequent tissue injury. Mesenteric organ injury from ischemia/reperfusion due to any form of shock can lead to a triggering of systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and ultimately to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. The mesenteric vasculature is therefore a major target and a primary determinant of the systemic response to circulatory shock. PMID: 11336191
  【参照症例】   1. 腹部全体痛シリーズ(Generalized Abdominal Pain)16 【症例 GR 78,79】
2. 上腹部痛(Epigastric Pain)シリーズ4 【症例 ER 17】

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