文献考察:急性陰嚢症acute scrotumと精索捻転spermatic cord torsion
1)佐藤嘉一, 丹田均 泌尿器科領域の緊急手術と緊急処置 急性陰嚢症 臨床泌尿器科(0385-2393)58巻1号 Page 17-21(2004.01)
2)林寛之 救急初療医へのアドバイス トリアージ,急病 陰嚢痛 睾丸捻転症の症例 救急医学(0385-8162)26巻4号 Page 466-468(2002.04)
要旨:急性陰嚢症acute scrotumは陰嚢の有痛性腫脹をもたらす疾患群で精索捻転(精巣捻転,睾丸捻転)spermatic cord torsion(testicular torsion),精巣上体付属器捻転torsion of testicular appendagesと精巣上体炎epididymitisが大部分を占める. 精索捻転spermatic cord torsion:主たる症状は突然発症する陰嚢の疼痛と腫脹であるが,下腹部痛,悪心・嘔吐を示すこともある.だから,泣き叫ぶ幼児はオムツを脱がして診察する,下腹部痛を訴える子供はパンツを降ろして診察することを忘れてはならない.発症年齢は新生児期と思春期(12〜18歳)にピークがある.まさに「時は金なり」で,睾丸救済は時間との勝負である.捻転解除が6時間以内に行われると睾丸機能は100%回復する.6〜12時間では70%,12時間を超えると20%以下しか回復が見込めない.正常睾丸は長軸が地面に対して垂直でやや前傾している.睾丸捻転では,1)患側睾丸が挙上しており,その上方にねじれた精索を触知する.2)立位時長軸が横になっている(bell clapper deformity).3)副睾丸の位置が正常に後上方に位置しない. 精巣挙筋反射cremasteric reflex:大腿内側を刺激することで精巣挙筋の反射をみる.睾丸が5mm以上挙上すれば正常である.精索捻転では100%欠如する. Prehn徴候:精索捻転では睾丸を持ち上げると疼痛が強まり,精巣上体炎では逆に疼痛が軽減する.両者の鑑別法として有名だが,有用性は低い.
3)Kass EJ, Lundak B. The acute scrotum. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1997 Oct; 44(5):1251-66.
Every boy with acute onset scrotal pain and swelling requires an immediate evaluation. Our protocol (Fig. 6) for the evaluation of these children is based on the history and physical examination combined with the selective use of imaging studies. When used appropriately, this protocol facilitates the rapid identification of children with torsion and minimizes the number of unnecessary scrotal explorations. When the duration of the pain is brief, and history and physical examination suggest that torsion is the most likely diagnosis, urgent surgical exploration without additional imaging studies is recommended. When it is not possible to definitely diagnose or exclude the diagnosis of testicular torsion, or when the duration of pain is greater than 12 hours, then diagnostic imaging can provide significant information. Color Doppler sonography is, in the authors' opinion, preferable to nuclear imaging for the evaluation of children with acute scrotums. When normal or increased blood flow is present, scrotal exploration is not required. When the study demonstrates decreased blood flow or does not provide a definite diagnosis, scrotal exploration is recommended. The authors recommend this approach because less than one third of these children have testicular torsion, and if routine scrotal exploration is performed for all boys with acute scrotums, a significant number of unnecessary surgical procedures will result. PMID: 9326961