文献考察:遊走脾(wandering spleen)・脾臓捻転(splenic torsion)
1)Am J Surg. 2004 Jul;188(1):96-7.
Recurrent torsion of a wandering spleen.
Tucker ON, Smith J, Fenlon HM, McEntee GP. PMID: 15219495
2)Radiographics. 2003 Mar-Apr;23(2):305-8.
Splenic torsion.
Chawla S, Boal DK, Dillon PW, Grenko RT. PMID: 12640148(full text)
3)South Med J. 1997 Apr;90(4):439-43.
Wandering spleen: a challenging diagnosis.
Desai DC, Hebra A, Davidoff AM, Schnaufer L.
Wandering spleen is rare, particularly in children, and diagnosis is difficult. It usually occurs at 20 to 40 years of age, and most cases are seen in women. Diagnosis is difficult because of lack of symptoms, unless splenic torsion has occurred. Patients usually have an asymptomatic abdominal mass, an acute abdomen, or, most commonly, a mass associated with pain. Laboratory data are nonspecific, but the diagnosis can be confirmed by imaging studies; computed tomography and duplex ultrasonography are preferred modalities. Treatment is operative because of complications of splenic infarction and possible splenectomy. Splenopexy is the treatment of choice for a noninfarcted wandering spleen. Splenectomy should be done only when there is no evidence of splenic blood flow after detorsion of the spleen. We review our experience with wandering spleen in two pediatric patients, one treated with splenopexy and the other with splenectomy. PMID: 9114840
遊走脾茎捻転の1例 本邦報告例の集計
Author:三井田和夫(大田原赤十字病院), 氏田万寿夫, 井田正博, 他
Source:臨床放射線(0009-9252)40巻6号 Page741-744(1995.06)
要旨:52例の本邦集計の検討から,男女比は1:4と女性に多く,年齢は40歳未満の若年者に多く全体の90%を占め,特に10歳未満が31%と多い.診断には超音波検査, CTなどの画像診断が有用であり,特に形態的に脾特有の切痕と左横隔膜下腔に脾臓がみられないことが遊走脾を疑う手がかりとなる.脾周囲や腹腔内に液貯留を認めたり,造影CTにて脾実質がenhanceされない場合は,脾梗塞が強く疑われる.本邦集計で正確な術前診断がなされたものは17例のみである.治療は,多くの場合捻転として発見されるので脾摘がなされるが,温存できれば後腹膜に固定術(splenopexy)を行う.